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Turkey Club Sandwichesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2253 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 11 2007Views / Reads: 2587 / 1940 [75%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
It started out as a fantasy at lunch time.

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Turkey Club Sandwiches As told to Just Plain Bob by Mrs. Hottbutt

Authors note: As a frequent poster to this site I am constantly receiving e-mails from readers asking me to "tell their story." Some I do (The Adventures of Kathleen M. and Becoming a Slut Wife: Christina the two most recent) but most of them I don't. But this one cried out to be done. It was sent to me and I was asked to turn it into a story that she could then send to her ex-husband in the hopes that it would piss him off. A quick read showed that this lady needed no help at all. I could not do it better than she did and to be honest, I doubt my meager talents could have done it near as well. I am posting it "as is", the only change being to add this note. Hopefully the comments will be such that they will inspire Mrs. Hottbutt to write more and become a regular contributor to the site.


I began noticing him weeks ago. He came into the sandwich shop every day at 1:25 after most of the lunch crowd had dispersed. I would watch from the window as he came from the high-rise across the street. He always had a copy of some financial newspaper tucked under his arm. He wore an expensive suit and I surmised that he must be a financial consultant of some kind. He was maybe early forties, casually handsome, with a hint of gray at the temples. He had the most beautiful, piercing light-green eyes I had ever seen. On two different ...

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