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Curioser and Curiouserthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3541 words)

Author: EroticTails Picture in profile
Added: Mar 24 2007Views / Reads: 6131 / 2758 [45%]Story vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
She takes a huge personal risk and follows her pussy - not her head!

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Another early attempt at erotica, this one was hard to write, in the 'you' perspective. But I got through it and it served it's purpose. <wink>.

Tell me what you think, I'd be honored to know.

And so it begins...

We have set a date to meet. You have been told to come to my humble abode. Already you are nervous, knowing as little about me that you do, never having met, but tantalized erotically by the conversations we've had and the emails we've exchanged. You've even daringly posed naked for self-shot photos at my request, directed by my voice carried over the phone, capturing your essence into your computer, to be sent whenever I requested, so lusciously sweet and wet you were presented.

I've purposefully and deliberately maintained my anonymity beyond our original exchange, you saw but one photo of me, a shot of my torso, strong, athletically honed, a compactness that looked ready to take on the world, with only a sarong to protect me from unbidden eyes. And now, you find yourself at my door, dressed to the nines; you chose a sexy allure, silken, thin and beguiling... wanting very much to impress me, but not knowing what to expect. You knock.

There is no answer. You try the doorknob and find that it is unlocked. ...

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