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Sharing Gailthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 4653 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Wifelover
Added: Mar 26 2007Views / Reads: 7268 / 5549 [76%]Part vote: 9.17 (23 votes)
This is a story about how I shared my wife with another man.

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Sharing Gail

I've had this fantasy for twenty years of seeing my wife in bed with another man, unfortunately, it has always just remained a fantasy. You see, I'm the one with the open mind towards sex not her. Sure, I've shared my thoughts with her and she has over the years, teased me at times, into thinking that she was going to indulge my wishes. A little flirting with other men in nightclubs. A little sexy talking in bed about it, but it has never happened. Now, don't for a minute think I haven't tried everything I could think of to bring my fantasy to reality. I have. Still, I just couldn't make it happen. That is, until one night last week.

I was sitting around doing a little surfing on the web and checking out personal ads in the classifieds, when the idea hit me to post one of my own. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I decided to give it a try. The ad I posted said I was looking for a gentleman to seduce my wife. I knew how picky she would be and if I was to make this happen I had to somehow be clever enough to select the right man. The man would need to be around six feet tall or taller, fit, diesease and drug free, and hopefully well endowed. That last item was for my benefit. He would also need to be clean, well dressed, and polite. It's not that she is a snob, it's that she's not a slob. In addition, he would need to actually work at seducing her and not expect her to just lay down and fuck him. I worked on the ad off and on for several days until I was ...

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