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Tangled Webthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 3368 words)

Author: Danasis
Added: Apr 01 2007Views / Reads: 3823 / 2643 [69%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
An artfully-spun web catches its prey...

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Every Summer, a few months before the start of Fall semester at State University in Worpsfield, Illinois, most students who will be living off-campus begin poring through newspaper and internet listings in search of apartments to rent or share (a necessary task in light of the university's lack of adequate dormitory space.) The first to go are the ones closest to the university, especially if reasonably-priced and offered with a short-term lease.

As the better picks disappear, what remains is fought over by "last-minute shoppers," who very often are those with poor finances, still searching after being repeatedly sent packing by the better landlords in town. And when not a single "flat to share" ad remains posted at the supermarket or taped to a record store window, the desperate begin begging anyone with ears in hopes of finding affordable places to stay.

Mr. Arnold van Cleuser was a long-time resident of the little town that would swell from a population of 8,000 to more than triple that when the students poured in for a new school year. Arnold knew very well how difficult it could be for a student to find adequate, affordable housing, and that was the reason why he would "sit" on the rental units he owned until deciding that the time was right to let their availability be known. There were four flats in his building, two upstairs and two down, with Arnold occupying the first-floor unit facing the street, the one with the view he needed. ...

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