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Marcia's Story The Hambleton Art Groupthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 3989 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Apr 05 2007Views / Reads: 3214 / 2665 [83%]Story vote: 9.65 (17 votes)
Marcia wants to make friends. What will she have to do to make them—and keep them?

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The Hambleton Art Group

The move from their North London apartment to the new house in the rural town of Hambleton had not been totally to Marcia's liking. It had been because of Phillip's job. His firm had suddenly decided to move into a new Green Fields site, and it had been providential to move to a house in Hambleton so that it was more convenient to his place of work.

Marcia soon missed the interesting boutiques of the Kings Row and the many highly recommended restaurants around the Knightsbridge area which she used to visit regularly. Hambleton, itself, did have a couple of rather nice restaurants. There were also maybe a couple of shops that were worth a second visit, but she still needed to travel back up to London to get most of the things she required.

Although she was a good mixer she had found the social life of Hambleton not an easy thing to break into. They did socialize with other couples from Philip's workplace, but they had little contact with the locals; that was, until she joined the Hambleton tennis club. Tennis had been one of Marcia's talents, both at senior school and also at university, where she had been the ladies team captain.

Being a player of a fairly high standard she was soon in big demand to play by other players in the club. One of these was Jerry, the club tennis coach, who she instantly took a liking too and they soon became ...

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