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A Midnight Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1679 words)

Author: Meechie
Added: Oct 11 2000Views / Reads: 1027 / 494 [48%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
A wife returns home from a business trip early and surprises him in front of the fireplace naked warm and willing!

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As you pull into the driveway after a long frustrating day at work you're too exhausted to notice that there is a soft glow in the living room window. All you can think of is a nice hot soak in the Jacuzzi tub and then crawling between the nice cool clean sheets of the bed for a much-needed restful nights sleep. It's well past midnight as you open the door leading from the garage into the kitchen. You hear soft music playing in the front part of the house and the smell of scented candles mixing with that of sweet hickory wood from the roaring fire wafting through the rooms, and know that I have returned early from my business meeting on the East coast.

As you close the door, your exhaustion and bad day instantly forgotten, you notice the trail of clothing leading towards the front of the house. You bend down and pick my blouse up from the floor, bringing it to your nose to inhale the mixed scents of my perfume and scent that is uniquely mine. You repeat the process with each article of clothing you come across, bringing it to your nose inhaling deeply then folding them over your arm as you move down the hall.

At the entrance to the living room you stop in mid step, dropping the clothing as soon as you see me lounging against the pillows and blankets I have piled in front of the fireplace. My long reddish blonde hair spilling around my shoulders and breasts in wild disarray, my grayish green eyes sparkling with deviltry as I lick my lips and my thighs fall apart revealing my glistening freshly shaven pussy to your ...

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