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The Amorous Carpet Cleanerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 3411 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: May 18 2007Views / Reads: 2796 / 2413 [86%]Story vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
Laura lays the carpet cleaner, who his more than surprised when he is invited for seconds. This could also be in Slut Wives.

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The Amorous Carpet Cleaner by Lady Grey

Laura ran her fingers slowly along the damp lips of her pussy, she slowly eased one finger into the warm wetness, she groaned quietly and drew her legs up trapping her finger between her thighs. Lloyd had left her unsatisfied. Last night he had arrived home slightly the worse for wear from drink and was in no state to make love to her and this morning he was well and truly hung over and was in too much of a rush to get to work.

She relaxed and pressed her fingers deeper inside the wetness of her pussy, oh that felt so nice, but she wished it was Lloyd's cock in there instead of her own fingers, but beggars can't be choosers.

Suddenly the door bell rang and Laura groaned, " Oh shit, who's that? if I don't answer it maybe they might go away." She thought, but the caller was insistent. Angrily she slid out of bed and reached for her wrap, she pulled it on over her nakedness before making her way down the stairs.

The bell went again before she had chance to open the door. "All right, all right, I'm coming," she called, pulling open the door ready to give the unwelcome caller a piece of her mind. She stopped suddenly when she realised who the caller was. It was Greg the carpet cleaner. Then she remembered she had rung Easyclean yesterday and arranged for him to ...

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