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Nora, Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3758 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: FortuneCookies
Added: May 26 2007Views / Reads: 907 / 802 [88%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Continuing story of a young Asian girl and her sexual adventures. Chapter 4 has her working with her Boss to keep her job. Be sure to read and vote for the other 3 chapters.

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It had been 3 weeks since Nora's visit to Derek's house. The good news is that she found out she wasn't pregnant. The bad news is that things at work had gotten worse with him, to the point where she had to request to be transferred to a different department in a different section of the building. She was so pissed that he came inside of her that she just didn't even want to be within 50 feet of him. Unfortunately for Nora, she had to meet with the District Manager to get the green light for a department move. She obviously couldn't tell the DM the real reason why she wanted to move. She had never met, or even seen, the guy before, so she had no idea what to expect. Through an email, the DM notified Nora that the only time he could meet with her that day was after work. She had no choice, really, so she agreed.


The hours went by, and eventually, the clock struck and it was time for everyone to go home. Everyone except Nora, of course. She finished up at her cubicle, made sure everything was alright, and headed towards the DM's office. She got into the elevator and went to the 2nd floor, where his office was. She noticed that nobody else was up here, either. She walked to the door that said "District Manager" on it and gave it a knock. The blinds were closed, but just by looking at the dimensions of the whole thing, she could tell the office was huge.

"Good to be a District Manager, I guess," she thought to herself. She ...

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