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Krishathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 5288 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jun 23 2007Views / Reads: 1435 / 1130 [79%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
Would she remember me?

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Krisha By Just Plain Bob

I had trouble believing my eyes. I recognized her right away even though the last time I had seen her was fifteen years ago and three thousand miles away. I stood there and watched her as she circulated and socialized and I couldn't help but wonder if she would recognize me without the beard and glasses. If she did it could possibly prove to be embarrassing for the both of us.

I decided to err on the side of caution and I kept a close eye on her and whenever she started to move toward my part of the room I moved to a different spot. I was being stupid because the whole purpose behind this little gathering was to introduce her to the people she would be working with and eventually we would have to come face to face. I guess I was hoping I could put it off long enough that something like an earthquake could come along and end the affair. Barring that I could only hope that without the beard and wearing contacts instead of horned rimmed glasses she might not know me.

We had all heard the stories at least a hundred times. How Bill, the president of our company, had gone out to the Left Coast to visit our branch office there and how once he had laid eyes on the office manager it had been love at first sight. He had shared with us, in great detail, how he had pursued her. We all knew he was behaving like a lovesick teenager, but he was a hell of a nice guy and we were all ...

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