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The Birthday Wishthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 3680 words)

Author: BlackLace
Added: May 19 2000Views / Reads: 1480 / 986 [67%]Story vote: 7.00 (1 vote)
A womens lover, decides to surprise his girlfriend with a very special birthday present. A fantasy she has had for a long time. To have a women make love to her while he watches. Includes bondage.

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A Birthday Wish by Black Lace

It is my birthday, a warm sunny day, I'm driving home with the top down wondering what my birthday surprise is that you have been planning. You always plan something special and you have been hinting at something all day long , whenever you called or beeped me on my voicemail.

I went into the house, opened some windows, and went into the bedroom. It was hot, opened the french doors to the breeze coming off the bay. I went over the bed and changed the sheets, to the black satin sheets that you love. set the new candles about the room. Everything would be very special for tonight. Went back to the french doors stepped out and looked over towards your house. I could see the curtains from your bedroom, the ones hanging from the french doors, blowing out onto the deck off the bedroom. The french doors were open to let in the fresh breeze.

I was wondering if you were taking a shower, getting ready for tonight. I could not wait. You said tonight would be special. You were taking me to a special place for drinks, and dinner and then back home for a special dessert. Just as i was about to go in i saw you come out, there was a women with you, a beautiful women with black hair, you had your arm around her. You were walking her out onto the deck, not your usual ...

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