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Crossing the Linethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2075 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Jezzi
Added: Jul 14 2007Views / Reads: 2990 / 2006 [67%]Part vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
Kylie has a little fun at work!

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This is my first m/f story. Please let me know how I did. The sex scene isn't that long, but I had to get this story out. It's been in my head for a while now. I might revise it and repost it later. Let me know!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As she walked into work, her heart quickened. She knew today was the day. She was going to cross that line. She was closing tonight, stuck here until 10. It was a Thursday night. No one came in after 9. Prepared to work, but her legs a little wobbly, she put her purse away, clocked in, and smiled.

"Yo, Kylie, what's up. Long time no see."

"Yeah, where'd you go?"

"I took a couple vaca days. My mom was sick, so I went to Pennsylvania to take care of her."

"Well that was mighty sweet of you! How's she doin' now?"

"Better. Much better. I'm glad it was a false alarm!" Kylie nodded her agreement, as they parted ways. Sarah was one of her better friends, and she was glad everything worked out. Last week, Sarah had just taken off, and no one but management knew where she had gone. It had made ...

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