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Riding Highthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1311 words)

Author: miss_muscle_thighs
Added: Aug 16 2007Views / Reads: 4710 / 4 [0%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Relocating to Rhyl for a job in a new hotel was the best move I ever made. Miss Muscle Thighs made it all the more worth while...

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Relocating to Rhyl in North Wales was not one of my best ideas, but the new job as Head Chef in a new hotel leisure complex that was opening was going to be well paid, and thats why I found myself a beautiful apartment on the promenade. Early starts were one other thing I read in the job description. How early? Six thirty am, yes, six thirty am. Going from a job in a restaurant where I didn't start till six thirty pm was going to really kill me for the first few weeks, because I would have to be up and out of the apartment for six at the latest. There would be a half hour drive to the hotel where I would be running a team of dieticians and chefs. The apartment was beautiful. It had a balcony and the view in the morning as the sun came round the corner of the bay was breathtaking. Sitting on my balcony at 5:30 am drinking my coffee was one of the new perks I came to enjoy with an early start. Then something, or should I say someone, caught my eye. I was wondering what to do for my breakfast when a female cyclist came whizzing past at full pelt. Yep. at 5:30 am someone was as mad as me, getting up to go to work, but to cycle for pleasure at that time in the morning was real dedication. Over the weeks to come I could set my watch by her. Miss Muscle Thighs as I began to call her, was an hour late on Sundays. I thought she must enjoy her hour lie-in like myself. I didn't know that she just didn't have to be in work till eight on a Sunday. Mornings started to look a lot better when I could sit and wait for my little lady friend to go flying past. Trying to imagine what she looked like under all that Lycra and the cycling helmet started to turn me on. I got a lovely tingle when I saw her every morning and sometimes at ...

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