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My Super Powersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 4085 words)

Author: Mr Deviant Picture in profile
Added: Sep 06 2007Views / Reads: 1066 / 855 [80%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
The creation of a XXX-rated superhero and his first experiments in learning how to use his new powers.

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I know, it sounds like the beginning of a comic book superhero's creation, but I actually did fall into a vat of toxic waste. Ok, it wasn't actually toxic, but it did have the effect of changing my life completely. I know other people have fallen into that vat before but, somehow, it was different with me.

Maybe it was my own body chemistry, maybe it was something I ate or drank or maybe we will just never know, but I changed that day. To begin with I didn't feel any different except for a slight headache. I figured a fall from nearly 30 feet will do that to you. "I should have been more careful," I thought.

"You sure should have klutz," joked one of the more beautiful women in my research division.

The funny thing is she answered what I'd thought. I did not actually say it. "My luck is actually changing," I thought again.

"Tell me about it. You keep getting klutzier by the day," the same research fellow said.

Somehow I was broadcasting my thoughts to those around me.

I spent the rest of the day that day trying to find out the limitations, range and scope of this new found ability. It seems that being heard ...

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