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A Question of Trustthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 4493 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Sep 07 2007Views / Reads: 1255 / 1039 [83%]Story vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
Was she being truthful? Could he take a chance?

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I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned I hit him with everything that I had. I brought the punch up from the boot tops with all two hundred and five pounds behind it. I felt his nose crunch and the blood flew and when his hands went up to his face I sunk my fist into his gut and got a loud "oof" out of him as he doubled up. One more smash to the side of his head and he went down to the ground. I debated kicking the asshole a half dozen times, but then thought:

"What the hell, he got the message."

I turned to Darcy and said, "I think I broke his nose. Maybe you can kiss it and make it better" and then I turned and walked away from the woman who was wearing my engagement ring and the man who had been my best friend.


It had been a birthday party for Darcy's sister and it was being held at Barney's Roadhouse. We had pushed a bunch of tables together and we were drinking and dancing to the live band and everyone was having a fine time.

We had been there a little over two hours when something caught my eye. My girl Darcy was dancing with my best friend Mark and while that in itself was nothing new what caught my attention was when his hand slid ...

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