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The Beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1228 words)

Author: Shygirl Picture in profile
Added: Sep 20 2007Views / Reads: 558 / 321 [58%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Old lovers meet again & remember what they had

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It's nightime now, a little cold, but we have a blanket and fire going and we are sitting on a beach back in your world. I flew out here a few days ago to meet with you, it's been sometime since we have been together but all the memories are just a fresh and strong as if it was yesterday.

I'm a little tired but in a good way and I'm just sitting and listening to you play your guitar. I'm looking at you in the fire light and trying to figure out just what is different about you. Okay, we have both changed just a little, you are as handsome as always. The smile is the same but somehow your more at peace than I have ever seen you be. I like this change, aside from your hair a little longer. It's all good, even better than I imagined it would be.

We spent the day surfing, or you were trying to teach me. As much as I love the water, I'm getting frustrated. I got up on the board maybe once and not for long. We are laughing and really enjoying the day, everytime we touch hands or your trying to help me, I can feel the energy surge.

I need a rest and let you hit the waves for a bit. I am just content to watch you. All your descriptions of your life back home come flooding back and I love to see the smile on your face and how much you enjoy your life here.


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