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The Coatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2151 words)

Author: Joyce Picture in profile
Added: Oct 16 2007Views / Reads: 1364 / 1122 [82%]Story vote: 9.10 (10 votes)
My boyfriend and I find a creative use for the birthday present he gave me.

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Would you like to know the story behind my profile picture? Trust me, the truth is not nearly as interesting as this tale. CAUTION: This story does not carry the Bob Barker Seal of Approval.


Sean and I met at a St. Patrick's Day party at a fairly upscale club. At the time, all he told me was that he worked in the financial services industry. On our first date, he explained that he runs the Chicago branch of a major securities company. He's not a stockbroker; the brokers report to him. I'm Irish-American, but he's an actual Irishman. After a month or so, he felt comfortable letting me know that he did pretty well. I kind of suspected it when he got us tickets to a production of Wicked that had most of the original Broadway cast. Anyway, one night at his place, he put on a vintage comedy album. The artist was one of those guys who'd sit at the piano and play numbers while he told jokes. One of the jokes went, "Did you hear about the woman who said she'd do anything for a fur coat? Now she can't fit into it." It took me a second to figure out what he meant, but I laughed.

"So, would you do anything for a fur coat?" Sean asked.

"I've never even thought about it," I said. "When I think of fur, I think of pimps. Besides, what do you take me for?" ...

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