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Costa Del Cock - Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5498 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Oct 17 2007Views / Reads: 3621 / 3126 [86%]Part vote: 9.50 (10 votes)
Our first holiday alone since having kids got a little crazy... My innocent young wife was discovering her slut side and I loved it!

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I was awoken a little bit later by someone shaking me and I opened my eyes to find that it was still dark but Claire was dressed now and standing in front of me.

"Come on, we'd better get back to our hotel." She helped me up, and I looked around, still fuzzy-headed and half-asleep.

"Where's Ray?" I asked as I sat up and Claire said he was in the bathroom, so I went to the bedroom where they had just been having sex and got dressed. When I returned, Claire seemed in a hurry for us to leave but Ray came back into the room just as we were going. I waved at him and said goodnight, and he waved back with a strange, smug grin on his face. I guess he was thinking to himself that he had just screwed my sister, and that I didn't know a thing about it. I'd be smug if I had just made love to Claire, she was a good-looking girl.

On our way back, neither Claire nor I spoke much. I was quiet just because I was tired, but I could tell that Claire was troubled by what she had done. When we got back to our room, I decided to put her out of her misery and break the silence by telling her that I knew.

"Listen..." I said just as she said exactly the same thing. We looked at each other and laughed. The ice was broken and we sat down to talk. I prompted her to go first just as she said the same again, until finally I persuaded her to speak first and say what she wanted to. ...

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