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IT WAS THE WARthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 6113 words)

Author: Ole Reb
Added: Nov 18 2007Views / Reads: 2314 / 1528 [66%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
A true story....I was there

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It was late Friday afternoon June 23, 1998. the weather in Memphis was very warm and humid, but the greenery that reflected the hot light moved gently as a breeze sent the limp fronds of the ferns rippling. The benches along the west wall of the River Park Mall were in the shade and there were a few men sitting there, their eyes on the ten or twelve kids that scampered up the nets and jumped into the mass of multi-colored balls which filled the pit, and the children loved it. One child in particular was really bouncing around the play area. She was about four, and a bundle of blonde energy. She squealed loudly and called to her grandfather who was sitting on one of the benches. Her name was Katherine Carey O'Rourke but her grandpa called her Kat.

He was a large man, one who stood about six three and weighed at least two hundred twenty pounds. His hair was pure white and had been since he was twenty seven years old. He had acquired the silver hair when he was shot down during the Vietnam war. He'd survived that but lost the thing that mattered most to him. A girl. One that had loved him, told him she'd wait, then married the first draft dodger that came down the pike. It was because of that betrayal that he had not married until later in his life. Now his daughter had this beautiful child and he was a proud grandfather. He had a son too, who had attended the Air Force Academy. Peter was flying into Memphis that evening to spend some time with his dad and sister as well as little Kat. ...

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