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Wednesday Meeting with Allysinthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1626 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Cornan9 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 01 2007Views / Reads: 1040 / 823 [79%]Part vote: 6.75 (4 votes)
Business open houses can sometimes lead to hors d'oeuvres of a different type. Could be the intro of a multi-part if well received.

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I met her on a Wednesday.

Since the end of my marriage seven years ago, there had been a number of short and longer term relationships. There was Maria and her magnificent 34DDs (the "girls", as she referred to them), Candy (yes, she actually went by that name) with her flaming red hair, Suzanne with legs that wrapped around me like flexible steel, and a few others.

My most recent involvement had come to a quiet end about six months ago. Andrea (oh, those lips and that tongue) and I came to the realization that, while the sex was fantastic, we simply didn't have enough else in common to make for a long-lasting relationship.

Since that time, I hadn't dated much. I'd gotten a promotion at Sanders Corporation - where I'd worked for the past 5 years - and was now middle management with several departmental mangers reporting directly to me.

For the past few weeks, we had been searching for candidates to head up a new internal training program. We'd had difficulty, however, in finding just the right mix of experience, personality, and that special "go-get-tiveness" that we needed to make the program a success. So, for now, I'd decided to back-burner the project and had needed to explain to upper management why things weren't moving ahead.


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