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Orient Beachthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1651 words)

Author: Mal
Added: Dec 05 2007Views / Reads: 3380 / 2821 [83%]Story vote: 9.12 (16 votes)
Tari enjoys a day at a clothing optional beach!

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It was another beautiful day in St. Marten. Tari and I were going to our favorite sun bathing spot, Orient Bay. Orient bay is a naturalist resort in the Caribbean. The sunbathers range in all manners of dress from fully clothed, to completely nude. Tari, of course, chooses to sunbathe completely nude and with a 5'9" body, full breasts, athletic body, and long legs she tends to get a lot of attention.

We were walking along the beach looking for free chaise lounges when we saw a young guy holding tags for chairs. We walked up to ask him how much for a pair of chairs. As we were approaching I could see his eyes roaming all over Tari, he told us $10 American. I paid the fee and he gave us the chairs. As he helped Tari set up her chair he chatted with her, the whole time finding numerous moments to "accidently" brush up against her.

As we were getting comfortable I asked Tari if she had enjoyed all of the attention from that young guy. She stated that she thought he had a nice smile and was very helpful. I told her you bet he was! He could not seem to get close enough to you in setting up your chair. We both laughed, knowing how much of a flirt she can be.

After we had gotten comfortable I told her that I was going to the bar and getting us some drinks. The Presidentes were cold and the beach was hot so we decided to have a few more. After a little while we were both feeling pretty good. I noticed that by this time many of the male ...

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