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I had to let her gothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2618 words)

Author: Restless
Added: Dec 06 2007Views / Reads: 1036 / 720 [69%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
An older man's affair with a younger woman. All true except for the names.

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I only had seconds to respond, if I waited too long..."Well, alright, but just for tonight" I said to my young partner and her friend who had loaned my team her set of small apartments. I put my suitcases down and noticed the large smile from Ana. What on earth is she thinking? Do Hungarians routinely sleep in connected bedrooms with an associate? Is it because I am 58 and she is 26 that she thinks I won't want her? Or has our casual flirtation caused her to imagine the in some other time and place, the unimaginable?

She tossed her long red hair and reached down to pick up one of my suitcases, but I took it back and walked inside. It was a garage that had been separated into two bedrooms with a kitchen in between, with no door. I had been in it once when Karina was still there, Karina who had just left to go back this morning leaving Ana and me a few loose ends to finish up. I could see her clothes tossed on the far bed, saw that the bathroom was there, glanced at Ana who was wattching me, and set down on the nearer bed. She then turned to say goodnight to our landlord.

Ana came dancing in. "It's not so bad; at least we won't hear you walking around above us." I had been staying in a larger apartment over the garage. The women didn't realize that where the talked over the table, there must have been some communciation with the upper apartment, because I could hear them clearly. I was embarassed but pleased to hear them talk about me. "If I was just twenty years ...

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