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The Telephone Booththis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3608 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Jan 04 2008Views / Reads: 3051 / 2631 [86%]Story vote: 8.83 (12 votes)
A distraught women in a telephone booth leads to more than a quick blow job!

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The Telephone Booth

I left the shop having purchased the milk at the request or should I say demand of my oh so loving wife, yeah right! Loving I don't think so.

I'd met Vivian my wife, when I worked on the local bus service as a ticket collector but that's another story. We had been married for about a year when things started to go wrong, i.e. she had an affair, yet another story! Anyway I digress.

I walked from the shop to my car and had to pass a telephone booth on the way that was being used by a woman wearing a long fur coat. Funny this because here we were in the middle of June on a warm balmy evening; still what the heck each to their own I say and continued towards my car until I heard the woman say, "Oh God no please don't do this please don't do this." There were a few smashed panels in the side of the booth so I could hear everything the lady was saying to whomever was on the other end of the phone.

The woman was sobbing her heart out now and her shoulders bounced up and down as she sobbed harder. The phone dropped from her hand and swung free on its cord as she leaned back against the side of the booth and slid down resting on her haunches, her head in her hands and crying like a baby.


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