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bomb threatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1511 words)

Author: horny mama
Added: Jan 11 2008Views / Reads: 9004 / 6986 [78%]Story vote: 7.00 (10 votes)
Two teachers get stuck in a room together during a bomb threat lock down at their school.

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The day was not even close to being over. My teaching schedule that day included all of my worst behaving classes. Towards the end of my worst class i was anticipating the bell, just as much, maybe more, as my students were. I told them i was going to the science lap down they hall and when the bell rang they could leave. I notified the teacher who's classroom was adjacent to mine where i was going. She understood completely seeing as how that class would always disrupt hers too.

I walked into the lab and Mr. Stifim sitting at a computer quietly working on a new lesson plan. He was good looking about the same age as I, 28 a new teacher that year like me. He had Jet black hair and warm brown eyes. His hair was cut short, and he had a small goatee. It looked so good on him. He wasn't exactly superman, but had a muscular body. He was in nice dress pants and a sweater. I said a quick hello as i didn't want to disturb his work. He smiled at me for a moment then went back to the computer screen. As i walked past i felt eyes on my firm toned body. I quickly turned around but he had not seemed to move. Maybe i was just imagining things.

Once the bell was supposed to ring and announcement from the headmaster came on declaring the school was on lock down due to a bomb threat. I then realized my class was unattended and i did not want to get in trouble so i quickly got up and and started walking to the door. Ken asked where i was going and i said to my class because i had left them with Ms. Furthen. He said it was not safe to walk around and that Ms. ...

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