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Gwen and Her Mother in Lawthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7466 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 17 2008Views / Reads: 3023 / 2451 [81%]Story vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
He didn't believe her, but in his place would you have?

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I recently posted a story (see Vickie, The Baby and Me) with alternative endings and as I had predicted the feedback was both good and bad and the break down was pretty close to what I had predicted. - 9 got on me about grammar, structure, punctuation and the like. - 4 said, "You suck" or other words that meant the same thing. - 7 suggested other possible ends, but too me the big surprise was, - 26 loved the idea of alternative endings and they asked me to do it again.

So, in keeping with my desire to satisfy my public I have decided to give the poor misguided fools what they say they want. Once again I add the disclaimer: I write for my own enjoyment and then I offer to share. Whether you like the story or hate it know that I have satisfied my target audience - me! That said, I give you

Gwen and Her Mother in Law

Gwen and I met in college. The meeting was not an auspicious one and anyone seeing it would never in a million years have suspected that one day we would be man and wife. It was in the college bookstore at the beginning of the spring term. The last item on my list was the Managerial Economics text. There was only one copy left on the shelf and as I was reaching for it some one else saw that it was the last copy and they lunged forward and tried to beat me to it. The person bumped into me and bounced off (at 6'4' and 220 I can be a bit immovable) and into a stack of textbooks. The person fell to the floor ...

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