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Turbulencethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2833 words)

Author: Peter_Pan
Added: Feb 23 2008Views / Reads: 1404 / 1280 [91%]Story vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
Once in a while on a domestic flight you find yourself sitting next to the right person.

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"Excuse me, I think that's my seat!"

Glancing up from his spreadsheet, Greg Lancaster liked what he saw.

Surely no more than eighteen or nineteen, the fresh-faced youngster was, if not the prettiest girl to ever cast a shadow across his retinas, certainly the best-looking in his residual memory. Drooling was not an option, and in the wake of his marginally over-emphasised "Oh yes, of course," he clutched the lap-top to his chest, intending for her to squeeze past to the window-seat..

"Thanks," she replied, inching her way forward delicately and providing Greg thereby, a momentarily arousing view of her compact rear-end in passing. "Oh God, please let her trip and fall in my lap," he prayed silently, whilst watching that skin-tight little skirt in transit, her rather shapely thighs - a work in progress.

The moment closed out and the fantasies by necessity re-caged. Smiling at her briefly, he returned the notebook to his knee and continued adding data to column "F."

The red-eye from Sydney to Perth is among the world's stranger flights. Officially listed at three hours and ten minutes in duration, with the head-on influence of the ‘Fremantle Doctor' - a high altitude wind that blows-inland along the Western Australian coastline, the flight can be ...

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