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Watching The Watchersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 5526 words)

Author: Miss Lynn Picture in profile
Added: Mar 11 2008Views / Reads: 1252 / 1011 [81%]Story vote: 9.25 (8 votes)
They met for a weekend of playing out their fantasies. Was it all they hoped it would be?

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The flight attendant's ass swayed with the movement of the plane. I imagined a hard cock as it slammed into her pussy each time she leaned over to assist a passenger. Her last trip past my row she stopped, smiled at me and winked before reaching in to check the seatbelt of the elderly woman next to me. Could she read my thoughts, I wondered?

I squirmed in my seat as I pictured her naked. Would Sam approve as well? Sam and I had been friends for a while but not until last week had we talked about our fantasies. Both enjoyed exhibitionism as well as some voyeurism. We made reservations for a popular hotel in Phoenix with massive windows in every suite that very night. We agreed to look for a female to join us for an evening as well. This trip was all about our fantasies so who knew what might work out.

Our flight landed on time and soon I was in line with hundreds of others waiting for the carousel to spit the luggage out. I'd laughed when Sam said I didn't need a suitcase. This might be a short trip but I never knew what I wanted to wear ahead of time.

"I swear it takes longer to wait for this damn thing to give me my suitcase than it does to fly here."

The voice came from just behind me, on my right side, out of view. Shivers ran down my spine at the raspy sound. All sorts of images ran through my head even before I saw the gorgeous body that stood there. ...

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