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Annas Storythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2513 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Mar 28 2008Views / Reads: 4720 / 4001 [85%]Story vote: 9.40 (25 votes)
Anna gets her ex out of her system by taking on a roomful of guys.

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Anna gets her ex out of her system by taking on a roomful of guys.

By Lady Grey

"The bastard's ditched me!" Those were the opening words from my friend Anna as I picked up the phone. I knew instantly who she was talking about, her latest boy friend, Greg.

I knew from the start it wouldn't last, all he was interested in was getting in her panties, and anyone else's who was around at the time. He had even tried to chat me up while Anna was out of the room once.

I let her rant on for a while to get the anger out of her system and then suggested that we have a night out together. "There's plenty of other fish in the sea," I said.

"That's a bloody good idea!" she exclaimed. "I need a good rodgering to get the bastard out of my system." I smiled to myself. I wasn't sure that getting fucked by some other guy was the solution to Anna's problems, but getting her out and having a few drinks might help.

It was just before eight when I pulled into Anna's driveway; I'd leave my car there and get a cab into town. I rang the bell and when she opened it I could see at once she had been drinking already; she was not drunk but she was certainly well on the way. ...

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