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The Solutionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 11053 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Apr 02 2008Views / Reads: 9921 / 8771 [88%]Story vote: 9.37 (19 votes)
Laura and her husband find themselves cut back on work and needing money. Laura thinks she has found the solution to their problem

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Laura and her husband find themselves cut back on work and needing money. Laura thinks she has found the solution to their problem

The Solution by Lady Grey

It always happens that way. When you think things can't get any worse, they always do. First, Jim was put on short time, and then one morning a few days later, my boss called me into his office and told me that things were so bad that he was going to have to close down the business.

Jim was shattered when I told him. There was no way that we were going to be able to pay our way without my wages. For the next week, I regularly searched the papers looking for work, but found nothing, well, nothing that would bring in the cash that we required. There were waitress jobs and shop assistants but nothing of substance.

We cut down as much as we could, but after a couple of months we could not find sufficient money to pay our mortgage. Not having any cash does nothing for your relationship, and we began arguing over the slightest thing. This of course reflected on our sex life and it had now been weeks since Jim and I had made love. We hadn't even enough money to go out, and spending money on drinks was not a priority.

Because of this, we were spending so much time together we just got on ...

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