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My Lover's Stepfatherthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3906 words)

Author: habu
Added: Apr 16 2008Views / Reads: 2129 / 1601 [75%]Story vote: 6.50 (2 votes)
All in the family

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This must be it; this must be when Shawn finally takes me.

That thought raced through my mind as Shawn brutally attacked my lips with his. We were stretched out on my dorm bed, me on my back and him covering my body with his. His tanned and muscular body, a gymnast's perfectly chiseled body, was undulating full length on mine. He held my arms above my head, his strong hands wrapped around my wrists, as I gripped the slats of the headboard and arched my pelvis up to him, willing his hard cock, stroking across my belly, to move down between my legs. I wanted him inside me so badly. I moaned for him and was begging for him to take me at last when he shut off my pleas with his lips and searching tongue.

His tongue invaded my mouth just as his hard, thick cock had done before he pushed me back on the bed.

I had never done this with anyone before. He was my lover. My first. He had come after me. I'd been reluctant at first. But he was just too beautiful, too persistent, too arousing. He had told me we wouldn't go all of the way—him fucking me—until he knew that I really wanted it.

Well, I had really wanted it for weeks now. I had told him so; I had done everything I could to show him it was what I wanted. But it hadn't happened.


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