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fun after the BBQthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3241 words)

Author: Fun In NJ
Added: Apr 17 2008Views / Reads: 4382 / 3078 [70%]Story vote: 8.73 (11 votes)
Wife takes on her first two cocks

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Hi, It's A writing this one. This is a short one of one of my firsts with my husband and a co-worker. It all started after one of our Labor Day BBQ's we have every year. My husband "J" always invites his employees over as some kind of thank you for all the hard work they do for him at his job.

It was a BBQ like any other that most people have friends, neighbors, and family. Our family members usually leave earlier in the day,to let us "Partyers" have our fun into the wee hours of the morning. After all the family is gone it was mostly just our neighbors and friends hanging out and having a good time.Sharing laughs and such. I had seen this one guy Tom that had come this year.He was one of J's newer guys from work. He and my husband had a pretty decent friendship going ,they would hang out together alot and ride their motorcycles together on the weekends.

After a few hours of drinks ,I went and sat next to my husband and whispered in his ear that I was checking out Tom alot that night and I wanted to have some fun with him. He knew exactlly what I had meant by that ! and says to me " Babe you know the deal, if you want to have alittle fun by all means go ahead, but I want to be in on it this time also."

So I put together a little plan to get this going for myself. I excused myself for a few mins saying I needed to go change for some stupid ...

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