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Caught in the Actthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2579 words)

Author: Bracken
Added: Nov 05 2000Views / Reads: 3940 / 3490 [89%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Two neighbors are extremely attracted to one another, unbeknownst to each one. When her TV breaks down and they have a good time one night, what happens when she comes back for her purse and he's in a compromising position?

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Fantasies... wonderful visions we create of what we want sex to be like. The subject of our fantasies? Whomever we chose. But why don't we ever tell the object of our fantasies that they are so striking to us that we regularly spend time out of our day thinking of them? We assume that they will not be flattered, so we keep them locked away within ourselves... separating them from reality until some day we are discovered, housing our secret desires... This is what happened to me on one such day...

Pulling in the driveway as I arrived home from work, I performed my daily ritual of scanning the house across the street for any sign of Judith. Judith and I have been neighbors for two years now, without ever exchanging more than a polite greeting. In my mind, however, Judith and I exchanged much more...

Judith was a short woman, I'd say around 5'2", with long auburn hair and dark brown eyes. Her face was slightly rounded and looked even more marvelous when she widened it with a smile. I will try to give you a brief description of her body, because if I dwell upon that subject, I fear I might never leave it. She had a neck that seemed to carry around a big sign with it that said, "Kiss me, I am the softest and must smooth skin your lips will ever have the pleasure of gracing." Below this was a pair of breasts that made Judith obviously voluptuous even in sweatshirts (which I think were specifically designed to thwart men and hide all love melons from our view). If you continued past Judith's ...

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