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The Clan...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 7391 words)

Author: Shuggie....unpublished ones
Added: May 23 2008Views / Reads: 4063 / 2771 [68%]Story vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
This is one of the stories that for some reason, i decided not to post....read the profile for more info about them....i will post more if they go down well...

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The Clan.

Living with my parents until the age of 23, I had finally decided to spread my wings and look for my own place. Having worked since the day I left school I had saved more than enough to give a decent chunk to a mortgage deposit and fix my place up.

Admitted after a month of looking at overvalued pokey little flats in the capital, I was starting to have second thoughts about leaving my parents. Yet listening to one of my colleagues talking about how he bought his house for almost nothing, I was intrigued.

For an hour, Steve stood explaining about house auctions, especially the houses where the banks had to foreclose. By the time he had finished, Steve had told me that his current house cost him twenty grand less than the market value and he hardly had to do a thing to it.

Okay, I was intrigued. Who wouldn't want to save twenty grand, for that sort of money, the house could be next to a prison. After all, it was only a place to eat and sleep, and occasionally chill out in.

Working four on and four off, every minute that I wasn't working, I was checking out properties. Within three months I had my eye on just the place. The house in question was in a council estate, although where it was situated was ideal, the main estate had only been up about eight ...

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