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Baby Be Minethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1706 words) [1/28] show all parts

Author: Sexylover
Added: Jun 18 2008Views / Reads: 957 / 758 [79%]Part vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
A true story about a love lost and a love found. Names and locations changed to protect identity. As told to me both the ones who lived it. Starts slow, gets better. This is part I. More chapters to follow.

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Tommy had been in love with Melanie ever since he had laid his eyes on her. His best friend Jeremy was the lead singer in an up and coming boy band and had audioned for Melanie when planning her sweet 16 party. Tommy thought she was cute, but being only 16 himself, he didn't have the nerve to go up to her and he didn't think she'd be interested in him.

Two years later, he saw her at his friend's concert, also in the front row. He wanted to meet her then, especially when she caught him staring and smiled at him. The two very large bodyguards prevented him from getting any closer.

After that, Tommy tried to find out more about her by going on the internet. All he could find was one dated picture and information about her parents, and that was it. Whoever was in charge of keeping anything about her out of the press did a remarkable job. He quizzed Jeremy about her and found little more.

Her mother, Penelope Ann Parker had been a fixture in NYC high society for years and a former debuatante. Her husband, Jonathan Alexander Taylor was a successful well known senator. They had sent Melanie to the finest finishing schools as well as paid for charm school, piano lessons and so forth producing a lovely well-bred hothouse flower of a girl. Jeremy had also told him that his brother James had been crazy about her but she had slapped him and called him fresh when he kissed ...

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