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Kathy Loves Womenthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 12194 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Pelios
Added: Jun 23 2008Views / Reads: 6683 / 5062 [76%]Part vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
Actually Kathy loves sex - this is how she learned to love sex with women!

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Kathy Loves Women

A couple of notes about this story: First, I published this story elsewhere many years ago, then rewrote it for this site. Second, it is part of a long series I never completely finished, as it tends to have an ever-ongoing quality. Kathy and the other characters are made up out of a combination of real people and events in my personal experience - colored somewhat by my imagination, but these characters are never an actual portrait of one specific person that I know. Please enjoy! - Pelios

First of all, I call myself a slut, not with shame, but with pride. Webster's defines slut as first, a slovenly girl, second as a promiscuous girl, then as a prostitute and a saucy girl, and finally a minx - which sounds to me like a small furry animal. I don't know where they get off with slovenly, I mean, I have very high standards of personal cleanliness, and although I am not a neat freak or a slob about my personal surroundings, I am certainly reasonably ordered. I am definitely not a prostitute because then I would have to be much less choosy about who I slept with, and that leaves promiscuous.

But, hey, I am promiscuous with a capital P! I am not really a nymphomaniac, because I do orgasm and feel very satisfied when I have had enough of them. But I do like a lot of them. So, I like to think of myself as a slut because Kathy the Promiscuous sounds just a little ...

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