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Lost in the Woodsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1928 words) [8/10] show all parts

Author: Richard Wadsworth
Added: Jun 30 2008Views / Reads: 721 / 518 [72%]Part vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
Alyse loses her way.

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Once Alyse was up on her feet and decent once more she bid her current company a fond farewell and started out through the sliding glass door that Jack had used to make his exit. Of course, once she stepped out into the backyard of the home Jack was nowhere in sight. The only sign left that he had even ventured this way was the gently swaying, small, waist high, wooden gate on the opposite side of the lawn from her.

Alyse pushed past the barrier and made her way across the foot worn path that lead away from the home and toward a thick patch of forestry. She wandered along the winding walkway all the while wondering what it could have possibly been that had Jack in such a hurry. She'd been on his trail for the duration of the day and even though he continued to elude her, Alyse had previously chalked each occurrence up to an unfortunate sense of timing. She couldn't help but feel that this time his elusiveness had a touch of something much more purposeful.

Alyse had wandered on for quite sometime, lost in her own head, before she finally realized that she had yet to cross paths with anyone (Jack included) or anything at all for that matter that wasn't verdant in nature.

Alyse continued on, now with much more focus. The path that she walked twisted and turned through the woods, and even though she could have sworn that the trail had taken her in quite a few circles the path never managed to intersect itself. Alyse looked up toward the treetops ...

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