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To Jenna - Chapter 5this story is part of the FanClub (bi:transgendered, 1987 words) [5/17] show all parts

Author: Jenna Crawford
Added: Jul 20 2008Views / Reads: 642 / 517 [81%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
My first date, a double date, with my friend, her boyfriend, and his friend, and me as a femme.

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To Jenna - Chapter 5

I was driving over to Kristy's house for my double date, her, her boyfriend Steven, and a coworker friend of his, who was in town, Rich. It was about a month since I went out as a full female and about ½ hour since I got Kristy's voicemail, called her back, and she told me to ‘come over and get things ready for our double date tomorrow'. I had really loved how it felt as a passable female, how it felt being out that way, and how people reacted to me as a lady, never knowing the truth. I had promised my two best friends, Tina and Kristy, I would go on this double date. It was one thing to go out with them to a mall shopping and to a coffee shop fully made up and to actually go out on a date, with a guy, like that, you know? I would be drawing a heck of a lot more attention since he would be checking me out, which people do on a first date, to see if they like that person. Big difference! It was big enough that I actually ordered a number of female hormones, after much online research. It was a combination of fear of not pulling off this double date and an obsession of what I could do to improve making myself more female, that led me to ordering 4X the amount recommended of some female hormones I found online. The company actually said you can ‘double up the doses and still be clinically safe', but I decided to order 4X the initial amount, which was like 2X double doses! Yeah, like I said, call me stupid, but I figured it was only for a short time and to get some fast results. I had a few reactions to them, but overall I had hoped that doing this in the short ...

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