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Author: Chiquita Picture in profile
Added: Jul 28 2008Views / Reads: 1275 / 1138 [89%]Part vote: 9.44 (9 votes)
After almost two years, Izzy makes the trip back to Harvard to take her position as teacher, and hopefully take a position in Ian's life.

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It had been a year and a eight months since Izzy had seen Professor Ian. She had graduated a year and a half early from Harvard with her degree in History. After which, she went abroad to intern at Oxford and had a promise from Harvard that whenever she decided to come back, she had a job waiting for her. She was now in Cambridge, Massachusetts heading for Massachusetts Hall to talk with the President. President of Harvard, that is. She had a meeting with Mrs. Faust in twenty minutes to discuss her future employment at the University. She was nervous to boot, too. She wasn't afraid of Mrs. Faust. No. She was nervous because Ian was going to be there, too. She didn't look the same as she had a year ago. Plus, she had the faintest beginning of an English accent.

Izzy's hair was longer and she had had it layered. The affect was stunning. The only thing that was the same about her hair was that it was still a plum color. Another thing that was different was that she had traded her contacts in for glasses. They were square and a deep metallic purple. Okay, so the change in her appearance wasn't that dramatic, but what would he think? Today she had chosen to wear a deep red, silk blouse with a pair of dark brown pants, and red, satin pumps. After all, now that she was a teacher, she could no longer live in her jeans. The look was topped off with a long strand of fake, purple pearls, and a silver ring with the same purple pearl bead on the top. A sign that Izzy still had a love for the eccentric.


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