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MILF of the Monththis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 5004 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Sep 05 2008Views / Reads: 6470 / 5961 [92%]Story vote: 9.22 (46 votes)
A friend from my daughter's school informs me that there are suggestive pictures of me posted on the internet as "MILF of the Month".

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Hi, my name is Ronda and I'm 35 years old and married to Jim who is 46 and works as an insurance rep. This is my first marriage and Jim's second. We have a daughter together named Shelly who is twelve years old and Jim has a son from his previous marriage named Jacob who is eighteen. Jacob was living with his mother up until about a year ago when his mother got remarried and moved to Alaska. Jacob didn't want to go with her so he came to live with us in California..

I don't mind having Jacob around, but he's a little mysterious about the friends he hangs out with and what he does with his spare time. I spend most my time with my daughter and all of the extracurricular activities she's involved with including swimming, soccer, tennis and so forth. I like having Shelly doing all these athletic things because it keeps me in better shape when I'm out there playing tennis with her or out jogging or swimming. We have a pool at our home and Shelly belongs to a swim team that has an Olympic size swimming pool venue just two miles from our home. There are also lots of community tennis courts that we frequent nearby.

I love living in southern California and enjoying the sunshine so many days a year. I basically live in tennis shorts and tank tops which gives me a lot of opportunity to get a great tan. I help the swim coach too and spend a good deal of time in the pool with the girls on the swim team.


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