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The next time with the VPthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2115 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Ryan Picture in profile
Added: Sep 23 2008Views / Reads: 1396 / 1076 [77%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Part II of our young intern with the new VP! Thanks for all the votes. I am just happy everyone enjoyed the stories in their own private way.

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Our story picks up a couple of weeks later at the VP's office. Steve has had a very interesting first day. But following weeks had been pretty normal. Learning his job, making mistakes, the same thing all young interns make. Ms. Taylor had been very stern with him a couple of times and neither her nor the VP showed any hint of what had happened his first day. He was beginning to wonder if it was just a dream. Though he had been masturbating every night to her picture online, looking deep into those brown eyes praying for the time her can slam his cock into wet pussy.

"I wonder what could top that as a first day!" Steve thought as he rode the Metro into work.

As Steve came into work Ms Taylor was now where to be found. As he sat down to his desk he received a call on his phone.

"Steve come in here I need to see you now!" Snapped the Madam VP.

"Oh Crap what did I do now?" Thought Steve.

He slowly opened the big door to her office and found the VP sitting behind her desk gently rocking back and forth. She was dressed in a dark blue suit jacket with her hair down today and a breast straining against her jacket.


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