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Army Blissthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 5773 words)

Author: indulger2005 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 30 2008Views / Reads: 2796 / 2403 [86%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Cal had a dark blue towel wrapped around him. He was teasing Zack as he sat on the end of the bed. Cal seductively, drops the towel to the floor, exposing his impressive manhood. He was only inches from Zack’s face, as he bent over to get in the dresser.

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Chapter One: Zack's First Taste

Zack Tyler had only been here in the springs, at Fort Carson less then a month. He really did not know anyone and he lived on post, living in the barracks. He was trying to stay to himself being a gay man, and in the military was hard enough to get through, without being discovered. This would be a hard task with all these hot men around. He was a fresh soldier just out of basic, and his MOS training behind him. This was his first duty station he had an important job. He was a combat engineer.

Zack was an E1 Private he was barely twenty-one after high school he worked a few jobs, but had not gotten anything real going in his life. With the help of his uncle, along with the recruiter they convinced him that the military was his best way. When he had given a three-year commitment, he would have college money. After basic and all the other training, he felt like breaking his uncle's neck. Zack really disliked the military, in spite of it he did make it through, and proved to everyone he could. He accepted the fact that he was here for three years, so he would be the best soldier he could be.

Zack was never really into girls, and he did not know the exact reason why. He looked at them and thought some of them were hot, but heck, he never explored the female form. He was used to getting a little opposition from his family, about not dating girls, while in high ...

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