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Three nymphs: one silver, one pink and one black. this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5870 words)

Author: xpurrteez Picture in profile
Added: Oct 26 2008Views / Reads: 6758 / 5250 [78%]Story vote: 9.71 (17 votes)
A young academic recalls his relationship with three enchanting nymphs.

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Three nymphs: one silver, one pink and one black.

A young academic recalls his relationship with three enchanting nymphs.

It would be easy to discount the occurrences of the last week as a fantasy, a fleet of fancy, or even a dream had I not had the evidence before me. Three pairs of pretty, sexy, women's panties, each enchantingly sheer undergarment of delicate lace and silk defining the character of their wearer in colour shape and style, each still bearing the distinctive intoxicating fragrance of the woman who had scented them with her exquisite sex and soaked them with abundant juices. As I felt drawn to holding each pair to my nose the memory of each extreme encounter flooded my mind and made my cock firm with excitement.

I am a postgraduate student in sociology at my local University and sometimes my academic supervisor employed me to tutor groups of undergraduates in the subject of sociology of rock music. Last week I led a discussion amongst a small class of students about Grunge music for which, as a 'Gen X-er', I held a particular affinity. I always enjoyed these brief tutorials as a welcome relief from the tedium of day-to-day research. They were more social than the isolation of a doctoral student locked in a library or office. The tutorials also gave me a chance to check out the cute young undergraduate girls who enrolled in the many popular culture social science studies in our faculty. The class was a small one with perhaps twelve or so students ...

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