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Maeve and Rob chp 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 5337 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Oct 28 2008Views / Reads: 942 / 807 [86%]Part vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
The ups and downs of their relationship.

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It was hard to put Maeve out of my mind. Her scent was still on the bed. I washed the pillow covers, but her scent still lingered on the pillows themselves. Likewise the mattress. I kept finding things of hers that got left behind. A hairpin here, the button from a blouse there, a lipstick that had somehow rolled under the couch.

Maeve called me two or three times a day and I finally had to get an unlisted number for the home phone and a new cell phone number. She called me at work, but I had all ready bribed Donna to handle that. A couple of times when I came home from work she was waiting in the parking lot for me and as soon as I saw her I pulled out of the lot and found a sports bar where I could kill time until she left.

Then there was a three week spell when she didn't call me or my work or show in my parking lot and I began to think that she had finally got the message that we were through and I could get on with my life.

Silly me.

It was ten in the morning and I had just finalized a deal that I had been working on for two months. Donna stuck her head in my office and told me that Matt, my boss, wanted to see me in his office. I walked down the hall to it and Charlotte, his secretary, told me to go right in. I walked into Matt's office to find him standing next to his desk and talking to...Maeve! Matt saw me and said: ...

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