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Naked Togetherthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:dramatic erotica, 1465 words)

Author: BBear Picture in profile
Added: Nov 02 2008Views / Reads: 3121 / 2230 [71%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
Two young men, one a soldier meet in beautiful surroundings.

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We'd been walking since dawn, with the sound of nothingness continually ringing in our ears. The sun now high and brazen, sweaty heat sapping the strength in our legs aching, camping equipment dragging, the straps cutting into our shoulders, even the water we had to drink was lukewarm.

If this was Germany at its best, you could shove it where the monkey shoved his nuts!

Though it did have its moments - glimpses of the landscape, with the mountains beyond the ridge, the tall and fragrant pines, and yes, that pool they'd passed a few minutes back, narrow, obviously deep, fringed with brambles, and floating with water weeds.

Even the aching climb had its moments.

A couple of hundred yards, and a whistle blew, the expedition leader yelled. ‘Food time! - We'll stop for an hour!'

Except who needed congealed beans again?

So the young man skived off on his own, anyway who'd miss him?


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