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The giftthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 9208 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Nov 05 2008Views / Reads: 4294 / 3408 [79%]Story vote: 9.46 (13 votes)
Kat recieves a gift that changes her life

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The Gift

They had met a little over a month ago. The club was a favorite hangout for amateur musicians. Kat enjoyed going there and had been doing so for quite some time, often just hanging out with friends, listening to music, and finally urged to play a couple of her own favorite songs on the guitar. It had been after she'd just finished playing and had gone back to take her seat, the high of excitement in having just finished still with her as she glanced up and saw him, the same guy she had briefly spotted while she had been playing, the look in his eyes as he watched her so intently. As she walked back to sit at the booth where her friends were, she walked by where he was sitting just as he stood preparing to go up onto the stage himself.

"Enjoyed it," he said smiling at her. "Would like to talk to you after I'm done if you're willing," he said getting a nod yes that she'd like that.

Kat retook her seat at the booth she'd been sitting at with her friends. "You know him?" Amanda asked.

"No, do you?"

"Not personally no," Amanda responded. "All I do know is, that his names Brett and he plays with one of the local bands here, understand ...

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