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Arm Wrestle with Susan Pt 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 3112 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Sullied
Added: Dec 17 2008Views / Reads: 2102 / 1813 [86%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
She was over confident, overbearing and rude, he wanted to take her down. Re Editoed version.

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The Match

Hi My name is Rob. Now I am not well built, in fact I have always a bit on the side of skinny. No matter what I did when I was a kid I couldn't put on weight and even now I am small. I am 175cm tall and weigh 72Kg soaking wet so, as you can tell, I am not Mr Muscle Man. Having said that I don't back down form a challenge as a rule, I have always had good balance and play golf reasonably well as well as a few other balls sports, so am not completely hopeless.

I had a large group of friends and we all hung around together, guys and girls. It varied as one or the other would drift in and out depending on romantic attachments. I got along especially well with Bill and his girlfriend Jane ands with Charlie, but Charlie's girlfriend, Susan, and I always clashed. She was a particularly outspoken girl of about 23, and she was very fit. She played netball and indoor cricket and worked out. Boy didn't she like to tell everyone about it, and show us all. If it was the least bit warm she wore a tight tank top with think straps for sleeves and it came down to just bellow her breasts. She had a six pack and a navel piercing, by my estimate C cup breasts and long legs, did I say she was about 180cm tall? She was always tanned and wore short shorts and runners, just to remind us she was an athlete.

She would prance about showing off and I would prick her ego with my wit, she wasn't the smartest and I wasn't the fittest or strongest so ...

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