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Trinathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 9139 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Jan 27 2009Views / Reads: 1855 / 1574 [85%]Story vote: 8.60 (10 votes)
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I met Trina the first day of class as a freshman at Eastern Michigan University. We bumped into each other in the hallway and she dropped a couple of books. I looked her over as I helped her pick up her books and saw that she was a great looking girl. I followed her into the classroom and when she picked a seat I took the one beside her.

We introduced ourselves as we waited for the instructor to show up and I found out that she was eighteen, from Romulus, and hadn't yet declared a major. She found out that I was twenty-two, originally from Ypsilanti, but was just out of the Navy after putting in four years right out of high school.

One thing I had learned in the Navy is that when you were on liberty your time was limited so you didn't waste time when you saw an opportunity and I couldn't see that civilian life could be all that different so I asked Trina (short for Katrina) if she would like to have coffee with me after class and she said that she would love to. That date led to a second and then a third and then we kind of slipped in to being a couple. Nothing really serious at the time - just really good friends who spent a lot of time together. We dated and made out a lot, but not much more. I wanted to make it into more than it was, but Trina kept saying that she wasn't ready for something like that so I didn't push it.

We had been dating for a little over a month when I got her to my ...

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