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Songbirdthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 3914 words)

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Feb 09 2009Views / Reads: 784 / 601 [77%]Story vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
She was special and I wanted her to be mine but it had to be done just right.

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By Slyfox

I'm not sure where to start my story so let's get better acquainted first.

My name is Daniella Winslow, but my stage name is Misty. Nah, you've never heard of me. I'm the featured act and part owner of "Eyelights," a nice quiet club in the midst of corporate America. They say there are more corporate offices within a mile of here than anywhere in the word, but I think they're exaggerating.

I sing like they used to sing in the 80's and most people are amazed to learn that they like the old romantic ballads; slow, sensuous, easy listening, easy to dance to. Stuff like "When you wish upon a star." I've heard some of the newer singers do upbeat versions of my stuff, but it's not the same. Those were the days of love songs for lovers and the new stuff is just noise as far as my club goes.

Of course, Valentine's day is a special day at the club and we go all out with the decorations and cocktails for two, stuff like that. It's a day for lovers; a day to celebrate love in all forms; a day that has special meaning to me now, for it was on Valentine's day three years ago that I first saw the woman that would be the focus of the rest of ...

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