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Love Of Politics Ch 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3617 words) [5/10] show all parts

Author: jackieoh
Added: Feb 10 2009Views / Reads: 1024 / 885 [86%]Part vote: 9.50 (6 votes)
Beth loses control of the situation when Mark's wife calls to get the couples together more often. Both spouses enjoy the new arrangement in different ways.

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Chapter 05 -- 1995-6 Families Get Better Acquainted

Why Have We Never Got Together?

David would reluctantly agree to join me at big political events where I really needed a husband because it was definitely a couples event. He tried to avoid making snide remarks or making faces when he disagreed; which was usually.

For all these years, I had avoided getting us together with Mark and his wife. But suddenly I noticed that while Mark and I were milling around "working the room," that Phyllis and David were nose to nose at a table in the back of the room talking and laughing animatedly. They would sometimes be the only people sitting down. Mark noticed it too, and would smile and cant his head in their direction and roll his eyes at me.

At the July 4 dinner dance, for example, David and Phyllis danced most of the dances together.

"You know, I enjoyed myself tonight. Phyllis is a terrific dancer. Why don't we have them over sometime, Beth? Seems to me we've talked about it before, but we never do it," David said as we drove home.

"Yes, maybe we should. But, you know, I'm always afraid that Mark and I ...

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