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Chumsthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 9237 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Mar 10 2009Views / Reads: 5648 / 3849 [68%]Story vote: 9.92 (12 votes)
Three childhood friends come together in an unexpected way.

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Frank, Rob and myself had grown up together. We had all lived on the same street growing up, and because of that became naturally good friends. We'd had a few of the same classes at school, tended to get into mischief together as well, though most of that was of the good natured kind, and quite naturally pulled practical jokes on one another in addition to all that. We'd even discovered the secrets of masturbation, all the while staring at copies of some dog-eared Playboy, or some other men's magazines that one of our dads had left laying about. At the time, it was also so natural and normal, with typical boyhood pleasures and discoveries not so heavily labeled or thought about at the time.

And though there were only the three of us at the time (we'd often referred to ourselves as the three musketeers in fact) Frank being the biggest, and even playing on the High School football team, first string, naturally became the leader of the group, small as it was. But it was usually Frank that led us off in one direction or another, or seemed to be the one to decide whatever it is we were going to do over the weekend to have a little fun and excitement. Frank was also the first one to really begin dating a steady girlfriend, though in time we all did. Though it was again Frank that was the first to lose his virginity, and then sit and tell us all about it in explicit detail while we all slept outside together in my parent's back yard one night ...

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