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Waitingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 5049 words)

Author: Sylvia
Added: Nov 25 2000Views / Reads: 3867 / 3297 [85%]Story vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
A woman accepts her boyfriend's challenge to refrain from masturbation for one full week.

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Lisa put her novel down and sighed. She ran a hand through her long blonde hair and glanced yet again at the clock on her apartment wall. Surely it must be later than 7PM? More than an hour until Jake returned from his trip. Had it only been a week since he had left? It seemed like an eternity, but Lisa supposed that was only due to the incredibly stupid bet she had made with him.

They were on the phone, the night after he had left. Jake's parents lived in the rolling hills of far-off Virginia, so they had waited until late when the phone rates were lower.

"I miss you already," Lisa had said truthfully. "Usually about now we're getting into bed." Her thoughts drifted to the last time they had made love. Jake gave a mischievous little laugh.

"Yes," he said. "I bet I know what you are missing!"

Lisa was a little incensed. "Is that all you men think about?" "Oh, so you don't miss sex?" He chuckled again. Lisa was getting annoyed.

"Sex is not that important," she said. "It's you I miss. Sex I can do without."


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